Wednesday, March 19, 2008

WoW Movie Idea

Since World of Warcraft is having a movie made about it, I was a tad dissapointed to learn it would be completely CGI and have no real actors. So I came up with a cast to cover the 9 main classes in WoW in kind of a dream casting call.

  1. Mage: James Callis. Best known for playing Gaius Baltar in BattleStar Galactica. This guy has a cool look, can easily play the intellectual role and make the viewer feel stupid, has a great accent, and has played a character who is just a tad insane, like every good mage is.
  2. Priest: Christina Aguilera. Why? because everytime I see her I thank god.
  3. Warrior: Vin Diesel. Face it, Riddick is cool and he has the look of a bad ass. Just look at The Pacifier. Actually.....Don't look at it.
  4. Warlock: Christopher Walkin. DUH. Dude took down an F-16 with a pistol.
  5. Rogue: Steve Buscemi. He is creepy, yet awesome. And since he already looks undead, think of how much you could save on make-up.
  6. Druid: Hayden Panettiere. Can you think of anyone else you would rather see dressed up in leaves and flowers then her?
  7. Shaman: Keith David. Best known for his awesome voice and kicking the crap out of Roddy piper in "They Live" I just want to hear him get in a fight and scream "Frost Shock!!"
  8. Paladin: Sean Bean. Guy was killed off in the LOTR trilogy befor ethe first movie even ended and he was a bad ass. Plus we know he can pull off wearing plate.
  9. Hunter: Orlando Bloom. She knew how to use a bow and arrow in the LOTR movies and was an elf there too. Plus she is kinda cute.....Wait, what do you mean she's not a she?

Bonus: Death Knight: Chuck Norris. Did you ask why? Then you do not know Chuck Norris. Remember, Chuck Norris coutned to infinity. twice.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! I LOVE it. But you know, whenever I am playing my pally, I tend to channel Pam Grier in her Foxy Brown-You-Mess-With-Me-You-Better-Run-Sucka days.
-Eve ;-)

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Oh yes I can just see it now!

Anonymous said...

Right on with Christopher Walken. The first time I read it, I missed that part and thought "no way he didn't include Walken in this". Cause I pay attention to details like that. I would like to nominate the following:

Mage---James Callis would be perfect!
Priest--Christain Bale as shadow priest. He scared me a little in Batman Begins.
Warrior--the Jessica from Blade Trinity.
Rogue--Claudia Black from Farscape.
Druid--Shakira (kinda hippie chick)
Shammy--I don't know who Keith David is and couldn't think of anyone else.
Pally---because I just need a Vin Disel role somewhere
Hunter---eh, no thoughts there either.

Now all we need is a
