Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Too much WoW.

10 ways you know you play too much World of Warcraft.

#10. You see a little person (aka a midget) walking down the street and cannot decide if they qualify as a dwarf or a gnome.

#9. You drive past roadkill and get the urge to skin it.

#8. You call your friends on a saturday night and claim you are LFG.

#7. You visualize IRS agents as undead rogues. First they kill you, then they feed on your corpse.

#6. You refer to vending machines as mages.

#5. After a long day at work, you tell your coworkers you can't wait to hearth.

#4. You reffer to your job as your daily.

#3. instead of laughing at a friend's joke, you actually say "LoL"

#2. You celebrate your birthday by yelling "DING!" at everyone.

#1. You have downed Gruul more times then you have kissed a girl.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! This was GOOD! I woudl love to forward this to my MySpaceblog and make sure I mention the author of course! Please say yes!!

Anonymous said...

Re#8. Wait a second! If you play to much WoW, which friends exactly do you think you're calling anyway?
