Last week I thought of WOTLK coming out, and I thought...What then? Are we doomed to see expansion every year or so with another 10 or 5 levels, a new land and....that is it? Do not get me wrong, games like EverQuest have been doing it for years and years and are making money and lord knows WoW has 10 times the people it does, but perhaps it is time to shake it up. Let WOTLK come out, let players get to 80, but THEN I think we hsould have a choice to go to a new faction. Here is how I see it...
Many WoW lore geeks know Sargeras had two champions, Kil’jaeden the Deceiver and Archimonde the Defiler, but how about introducing a third? maybe......Bob the Gaseous. Yes, the demon Bob. And Bob was unhappy and though Sargeras was a wuss so broke away and has been hand picking the strongest heros across many worlds to make an army of his own to challenge Sargeras. So, when we hit level 80 we can decide to stay with Alliance or Horde, and join the....Dark Shadow.....Or maybe the Burninators.....yes, Trogdor would be part of it.....I mean he has to right? Anyways, if you join this third rank you can change your character into a different race, one of 4 or 5 demon forms, each with it's own racial abilities and look. Then you lose all alegance to that faction, lose all flight paths you have recieved in those towns, but keep the neutral ones. You will be attacked on sight going to the cities you once called home....Hey, those who seek power cannot have it too easy right? So this new faction gets its own city and own quests and from 80+ there will be three factions......God I can imagine the rush of a night elf priest healing an orc warrior as he takes down a lock of the new faction....And of course victorious, the orc turns on the elf.......Do not blame him, after all, he is just an orc.
*EDIT* I orriginaly had this idea over a week ago but had been so busy studying for a certification test in school that I never took the time to write this idea, and as SOON as I blogged this I got an email from a friend of mine which pointed me to THIS post by Matthew Rossi who basicly had the exact same idea I had, yet beat me posting the idea by 9 hours or so. Apparently a third faction is not a new idea but seems odd he and I both posted so close. Touche Matthew, you beat me this time! If you beat me to my post about deep fried kittens as the new hunter pet food, then I will see you in court!!
I could see that as an idea but i doupt they would do that.
I have an idea, kinda same but differnt, you know those islands in the sea between Kalimdor and the Eastern Kindgoms. lets come up with a new race completely, new look new jokes (this is very important) anyway the start out on those islands but as they finish up the start area the then have to choose what side to take horde or alliance, thier home islands remain nutral kinda like the DK place, & only that race can go there.? :) So both side will have this new race availible. what do you think?
Ohh & maybe this new race could have new classes like your ideas on Necromancers & Blademasters
good post :)
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