Thursday, March 20, 2008

Breaking the News Softly

Over the past week I had an epiphany, and to my dismay it was not one that was positive. I was on my druid, and I watched a druid tank an instance, and it suddenly hit me like a sock full of hot nickels, I suck at being a druid. I figured that if i took the time to level a character to 70, I would be at least competent, and perhaps even good at that class. Boy was I wrong. This fellow tanked, kept agro against 4 adds even when the POM Pyro mage ripped it from him, and even changed forms to innervate the healer at times, and did it seamlessly. I have trouble keeping agro off 2 enemies even when pounding Lacerate and Growl. So after my realization, I wondered why no one ever told me this! be honest, I am a big boy, just come up to me and say, "Look bud....You suck. Give it up and go roll another character and try not to suck at that one too." Ok I have too many friends who are way too classy to say that, but it begs the question, how DO you tell someone that they need to work on their skill level?
This is a very touchy issue. I am not suggesting you comment to the person that they need to stop sucking, but I so not really know how to approach them in making a suggestion. We have all been with a player who just does not get "it", and you have seen similar classes play circles around them, but how does do you suggest they try a different tactic, or perhaps suggest they seek advice from another one of their class who you deem more skilled? You can easily lose a friend or two if you handle this improperly. An honest suggestion could easily escalate into "Hey, if you do not like the way I play, go to hell." when all you wanted to do was help. You meant no hurt at all and only tried to help yet they take it as a personal attack. I wish I could give advice, but truth be told I have no idea how to go about this subject and have always bitten my tongue. But if you do ever need to vent your frustrations to someone, look for my character Avanti and tell me I suck. I know I do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Avanti- you should change your name to Dietro...No, just kididng- never saw Avanti in action. I know I am new to WoW, so I appreciate it when more experienced players give me tips and make suggestions on how I can improve. Of course, tact goes a long way. No one wants to suck and let a group down, so starting off with, "Are you having some trouble with x? Because if you are, maybe you could try z." Or send them a pst asking if they would like some advice- because sometimes getting advice in front of the whole group is so "ZOMG, Mom is making me sing in front of the guests again!" If the person really doesn't want to hear it and sucks...well, then it's pointless. You did your good deed. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink and all that good stuff.